Beyond Bane: Tom
Hardy is the Next Big Thing
By Chris Sabga
clocks in at a taut 85 minutes. The entire film is spent behind the
wheel of a car. The only person we ever actually see
is the driver, Ivan Locke (Tom Hardy). He interacts with
several people during his journey, but only over the phone. He calls
his family, but he's not going home. He speaks to his boss and
assistant, but he's not showing up for work in the morning. Instead,
he's going to London – for reasons that will be revealed over the
course of the drive.
Every other movie
openly celebrates the irresistible allure of the open road. Not this
one. There are no dazzling sights to see. Locke snails through an
average English highway at night. Everything is dark and dull,
ordinary and listless. One area blends into the next. Despite the
mundane setting, the roads take on an eerie, foreboding quality.
In some ways, it's
similar in structure to "Buried" from a few years ago –
which featured Ryan Reynolds inside a coffin – but this is
(thankfully) much less disturbing and claustrophobic.
Flashing police lights
add tension to an already volatile situation by slowing Locke down
and forcing him to maintain the speed limit. Locke is locked in. Of
course, there's always the ever-present threat looming of being
stopped by the police and further delayed.
Then there's the matter
of Locke's persistent coughing and sniffling. What does it all mean?
In any other film, it would foreshadow the character's fate. But this
is a driving movie without a road trip, no high-speed races or
chases, and not an explosion in sight. One could possibly surmise
that Locke's physical deterioration symbolizes the similar erosion of
his life – but sometimes the common cold is just the common cold!
"Locke" plays
with the standard "grammar" of film by taking the
audience's expectations and subverting them.
This is an actor's
showcase for Tom Hardy. Every scene hinges on his facial expressions
and vocal inflections. It's an incredible performance. But special
mention must also be made of his supporting cast, who have only their
voices to work with. They include Ben Daniels and Andrew Scott (who
play Locke's boss and co-worker, respectively), Ruth Wilson, Bill
Milner, and Tom Holland (his wife and kids), and a few others he
interacts with along the way – most notably Olivia Colman. In some
ways, they have the more difficult job. They have to create
relationships with the main character and further the story along –
all without ever actually appearing onscreen. The two children ("Son
of Rambow's" Milner and "The Impossible's" Holland)
are especially strong in their roles. Mostly, they ramble on about a
soccer match, but their enthusiasm and intensity really brings
Locke's unseen family to life. Locke's overwhelmed assistant, Donal
("Sherlock's" Andrew Scott), is another highlight.
"Locke" is a
unique experience. It won't be for everybody. For me, it's one of the
coolest films of the year. Tom Hardy is a riveting presence. He's
been in high-profile roles before (Bane in "The Dark Knight
Rises"), but this puts him on the map as a major talent to watch